It is safe to assume that no delegate attending this year’s Singapore THIMUN conference has come to voluntarily blunder. To give you a bit of extra support, this article has accumulated an assortment of effective strategies that will aid you in making the most out of this conference.
Embodying the key member of your council or committee can be straightforward: be flexible, be strategic, and most importantly—be prepared; because if you fail to prepare, you are preparing to throw away your shot at being a noteworthy delegate.
To kick off the most exciting debates and reach council goals as effectively as possible, prepare yourself to:
Stick to the Subtopics in the Study Guides!
Although it seems intuitive to research as much as possible on the broader themes, remember that the primary aim of the conference is to find the best solutions. Yet, the broader the theme, the larger the problem, and the harder it is to solve. As such, let the study guide lead you as you create strategic and tangible resolutions.
Be Informed!
It is no use trying to find a solution if you don’t know what the problem is. In other words, make yourself familiar with the current circumstances surrounding the issue. It would be helpful to answer the following questions:
- Who are the most relevant stakeholders? (Most affected groups, people with the most influence regarding the issue)
- Where in particular is the issue most relevant? (Which areas should the committee focus on most?)
- What is the context behind the behaviour of each stakeholder? (This is usually linked to why a sustainable solution has not been found thus far)
Determine Your Council’s Best Call-to-Action!
The next step is to start crafting solutions that address the committee’s common good. This will make you seem better researched and ready to collaborate, thus increasing your appeal to potential allies.
It may help you to:
- Evaluate past solutions worldwide. (Why were they successful, or otherwise? What stopped it from achieving its full potential?)
- Evaluate the potential of proposed solutions. (How does it differ from failed past solutions?)
- Be certain that your solution suits your country’s agenda and appeals to the whilst remaining most applicable other countries. (e.g. Brazil, as a country whose primary interests are to balance economic growth with conservation of the Amazon rainforest conservation, would push for international agreements that provide financial incentives for conservation efforts, so as to cater to Brazil’s interest, while providing benefits on an international level)
- Ensure that your solutions are within your country’s capacity—or at least, prepare strategies to overcome challenges hindering your country from achieving your solutions.
(e.g. Though Brazil wants to reduce deforestation for rainforest conservation, their government is economically dependent on agriculture and logging industries. Therefore, eco-friendly investment funds could incentivise sustainable farming practices)
Be Strategic!
In the same way, brands set themselves apart in a competitive market by having a particular “niche”, compose such a niche for yourself through your solutions and approach. This will highlight your country’s role within the committee and show how resolutions would be crippled without you!
Now that you’re ready to get cracking as an individual delegate, keep your eye out for Part 2 of the series on how to maximize research for the best resolutions!